When Should You Change Your Air Filter?

Learn when should you change your car's air filter - signs that indicate when an engine needs new filters include black smoke & soot coming out of exhaust pipe & lack of smoothness when stepping on accelerator pedal.

When Should You Change Your Air Filter?

A new air filter will be white or off-white in color, but as it collects dust and dirt, it will darken. If the filter looks very dark and dirty, it may be time to change it. Other signs that your engine has air problems include black smoke and soot coming out of the exhaust pipe, a smell of gasoline when the engine starts, and a lack of smoothness when you step on the accelerator pedal. Be sure to take out the air filter and check it out at least once every two months.

If you're not sure about something, you can ask a technician to check your filters for you. Don't underestimate the power of a new air filter - the vitality of your car depends on it. Most owner's manuals recommend changing the air filter every 12,000 to 15,000 miles. You can have your Sugar House tire shop technician do the job while they rotate their tires and keep their care running at its best. No car is exempt from potential damage caused by a dirty air filter.

Do yourself (and your car) a favor and make sure to replace this key component of the air intake system regularly. Most automotive companies recommend changing the air filter every 10,000 to 15,000 miles or every 12 months. However, if you normally drive in dusty or rural areas such as Scottsdale, Arizona or San Antonio, Texas, it's a good idea to have your mechanic check and change it more often, for example, every 6,000 miles. Driving in busy areas where there is a lot of traffic, including Los Angeles and Washington DC, making it stop and start more often also requires you to replace the air cleaner more often. Most vehicles also have a cabin air filter that is used to clean the air entering the interior of the car, but it has a different maintenance program than an engine air filter.

Our certified mobile mechanics make house calls in more than 2,000 U. S. cities. A clear sign that the AC filter needs to be replaced is when the back of the unit is too hot. If the filter is heavily soiled, you may feel warm air coming out the back of the unit.

A clogged filter forces the air conditioner to work harder to keep the house cool, leading to more frequent air conditioning repairs and ultimately shortening the life of the unit. Reduce this load by simply changing the AC filter regularly. The only way to ensure how often you need to change your air filter is to perform a visual inspection of the filter every month. After a few months, you'll get an idea of how quickly it gets dirty. You will need to re-evaluate if you have a new pet or if the outdoor air quality has been poor. Improved fuel economy: When the filter delivers the exact amount of air needed to drive combustion in the engine, it means that every drop of available energy is drawn from the fuel.

If you don't replace the air cleaner at suggested intervals, you may notice distinctive signs that it needs to be replaced - if surfaces closest to vents are more dusty than others appear cleaner, then it's time for a change. When an engine air filter is dirty, air cannot pass through it to reach the engine, affecting its entire emission control system. If you've recently noticed that you have to refill your gas tank more often than usual, it's probably time to check your air filter. The purpose of an air cleaner is to remove dirt and dust from the air before it circulates around your home. If that section of carpet appears visibly dusty or covered by an ash-like substance, then it's time for a new filter. Beyond that though, there are other compelling reasons why you need to replace a dirty air filter - over time it can get clogged and lack of air can affect overall performance of your car. If you notice your car vibrating excessively or hear coughing or clicking noises, it's often due to a clogged air filter that dirties or damages spark plugs.

An air filter prevents dirt, insects, sand particles and dust from entering engine giving it necessary air for best performance. If you live alone without pets and with good surrounding outdoor air quality then manufacturer's filter change recommendations will likely work well for you. If you have allergies then you can reduce symptoms by using high-quality air filter and adopting more frequent replacement program.